Dolly Mattel is an adorable princess. She's just a little too dumb for her own good. A good example is she signed up to be our subject for an intense livefeed. The feed starts with her impaled on a one pole prison. All that stops her from walking away is a large piece of metal lodge in her cunt. She has to put on her makeup while we watch.Her first predicament begins with her hands being tightly wrapped so that she has no fingers. A latex hood is placed on her head. It has a single tiny hole in front of her mouth, but there's quite a bit of latex between her lips and the hole. Every time she breaths in the mask gets sucked to her face.Next she's tied up with rope. A leather mask is placed on her face with a giant pink pacifier in her mouth. Her legs are pulled wide apart making her suspended in the air. The lack of balance makes her freak out!
What does it take to overload one of the most experienced BDSM models of the 21st Century? What is that one thing, or combination of things that can bring one of the toughest bondage girls to the edge of their endurance? Was it being bound and suspended...
Live Show Mondays brings you the conclusion of the January live show that featured Katie Summers, Seda, and co-top Isis Love. The first thing that happens during one of these kinds of shoots is someone posts a comment that basically says this: "Why did ...
Welcome Heather Vahn to Hogtied, this beautiful Latina girl is as sexy as they come. Perfect ass, big nipples, soft skin an a gorgeous smile. Bound in the most vulnerable and helpless position, Heather is severely bent into an amazing "fuck me" position...
Watch as sexy Mia Lelani is pushed to the edge of her limits. In the first scene she is chained, caned, and finger banged until she begs for mercy. The unique mouth-stretcher is particularly diabolical! Her juicy tits and sensitive nipples get special a...
Oh Mona Wales. Mona Mona Mona. This lean pale goddess does not usually submit, preferring to spend her time dishing out the domination, but she likes us and has made an exception today. Like everything she puts her hand to, she does it with flair. She m...
It is well know we are starting a new Bondage website called We have been searching for a rigger, Webmaster for this site. The following EXTRA BONUS weekend update is a video job interview if you will. We wanted to see their rope skil...
Sexy Averice in 'Amazing Rope Suspensions'
Welcome the incredibly beautiful LieLani to Kink and Hogtied! This was LieLani's first bondage shoot and she was truly excited about it. Here at Hogtied, we love first timers, and we are always amazed at how far we can take these new girls into the dept...